Monday, January 28, 2013

UK Business Opportunities Reviews

Do you want the unvarnished truth about a particular business opportunity? Want to know what else is available?

Frankly, there are a lot of business opportunities available in the UK, including familiar work from home businesses and party organising ones - eg, Avon and Ann Summers - and property investing, foreign currency trading, stock market trading, betting systems and so on, that you might not have heard of.

Some of those 'opportunities' should be avoided - but which ones? And which ones might suit you even if they wouldn't suit someone else? The only way to find out is with lots of research.

The trouble is, there are far too many for you or any one person to research them properly and find the one that will be right for you.And if you have to actually invest tens, hundreds or thousands of pounds in a system before you can find out if it even makes you money, your research could work out very expensive indeed!

That's why I'm really happy that I can point you towards, a comprehensive review site that covers all the systems and opportunities described above, as well as loads more. At the moment it's free to join.

On the site you'll find the honest truth about everything from Amway and Avon to Ultimate Forex and YouTube Hijack.Categories include Betting, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing, Trading, and Property Investing. There's also a free report you can dowload that gives you great advice on the 'Seven Vital Rules to Follow in Choosing a Business Opportunity'.

There are helpful business articles on the site, too, and more unique content is being added all the time.

I certainly recommend you go to, especially as you can get lifetime membership for FREE right now.

Join them on Facebook, too, at for even more great, free information.

I've joined the site and Liked them on Facebook - and I feel much better informed already!


To your wealth and success!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Ready to Go Business

In my previous post I told you about a simple, low cost business opportunity with Flatpack Assembly UK - less than £2,000 to start and making up to £200 a day.

With the help of Flatpack Assembly UK's training and support, plus the use of the national brand, this is an excellent way to build a profitable little business very quickly. After all, you can earn your investment back in just ten days - compare that to a McDonald's franchise (£250,000 investment, about five years to break even and much harder work!).

Anyway, there's now an even easier way to get into the Flatpack Assembly business, by buying an established company, Flatpack Assembly Suffolk. As long as you live in Suffolk (or maybe close the the border) or have someone else who does and can do the actual assembly work, this is an instant, ready to go business with existing clients and an established presence in the county.

Remember, as a business owner, you can either do the work yourself (and keep all the profit) or pay someone else to do it and keep about half. On that basis you can expand into other areas and quickly have multiple streams of income from your Flatpack technicians.

Flatpack Assembly Suffolk is now for sale on eBay at less than £6000, although offers will be considered!


To your wealth and success!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Flatpack Assembly UK Review - Unique and Low-Cost Business Opportunity

Brand-New Business Opportunity Makes £200 per Day

A business opportunity has just been launched that allows you to make £200 a day or more, using a few simple tools. With almost zero start-up costs, this opportunity is ideal for you if you:
  • Are reasonably adept at handling a screwdriver 
  • Are reasonably fit and healthy
  • Don't mind actually working for your money, for a few days a month!
  • Want to own your own business but with the benefit of a national brand
  • Have looked at buying a franchise but been put off by the price!
  • Want to be in profit within a few weeks, not a few years


What is this Opportunity About?

This is a unique opportunity to join Flatpack Assembly UK, a new national brand that enables you to make £200 a day, almost pure profit, just from assembling flat pack furniture, from IKEA, B&Q, Tesco, Homebase, Argos or wherever, in customers' homes or offices.

Being part of a national brand means you get the benefit of
  • Free advertising on a website that's already on Page One of Google 
  • Free marketing and business help via the website
  • Use of the logo and national brand for instant credibility
  • A forum for exchanging news and ideas
  • A free leads service
  • Member offers
  • Ongoing support and training
  • ...and more...


 How Much Does it Cost?

Unlike an average franchise, you won't have to pay tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds upfront, and you won't be required to buy supplies and consumables through Flatpack Assembly UK. In fact, you'll need very few supplies, and you can source what you do need wherever you like. You'll be entitled to add the Flatpack Assembly UK logo to your stationery, website, vehicle and uniform, but there's no requiremet to do even that.

In short, once you join, all you have to pay for is an annual licence, and that's free for the first year.

The price to join Flatpack Assembly UK is just £1997, reduced from the normal price of £3997 for the next five people to take out a licence. The annual licence, not payable until a year after you join, is £997.

At £200 a day (the advertised rate on the Flatpack Assembly UK website), you can repay your joining fee with ten days' work. After that, your annual licence will be paid with just five days' work. Remember, you don't start to pay tax until you're in profit.

Compare that with the average fast food franchise, where you'll probably be in debt (ie, working very hard for nothing) for at least three years...

Your tools could cost you as little as £10... (all you need are a few very basic tools, which you probably already have).

How Much Can I Earn?

You can charge £200 per day at current advertised rates, or £30 per hour. Ten days' work a month will pay you a moderate salary of £2,000 before tax. Work half the month (15 days) and you'll be making £3,000.

It's almost all profit, too.

What if I Already Have a Business?

If you already offer flatpack assembly services, you'll be welcome too. You'll get all the same benefits at the same introductory price. This is probably less than you pay for advertising already.

How do I Join Flatpack Assembly UK?

Go to and fill in the simple online form or contact them directly. You could have your own business by this time tomorrow!

To your wealth and success!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Another Stream Added

One of the things we advocate for business owners and entrepreneurs is that they write their own book (or have it ghost written). Your own book is a very good way to add credibility, position yourself above the competition and often enables you to sell more at higher prices.

But a book can also be a useful source of income, and you don't have to write the next Harry Potter to start earning a bit of extra money for yourself. Our books sell enough to bring us a few hundred dollars a month in passive income. With a little more effort and more books (coming soon!) we make more.

That's why we want to encourage and teach a few more people to publish their own books. But isn't it difficult to get a book published, even assuming you can write a worthwhile book in the first place? Well, no, it isn't when you publish with Amazon Kindle. It's not only easy, it's also free and you can get paid up to seventy percent (yes, 70%) commission per sale.

Here's a short presentation on Kindle publishing. As you'll see, we can help you write, edit, format and publish your book, as well as helping you promote it and use it to promote your business:

Crush it With Kindle
View more PowerPoint from Roy Everitt

Join us on Thursday 28th if you can, or get in touch to see how we can help you add this nice little extra stream to your income!

To your wealth and success!

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Multiple Streams Must Diverge

A lesson we've probably all been taught but can so easily forget is that multiple streams of income only add to our security when they're also diverse.

So, yes, we can have multiple similar streams adding to our income but the problem arises when that type of income stream stops working so well - ALL our income streams can dry up. A case of having too many eggs in one basket, to mix our metaphors.

For real security, our multiple streams need to have different sources. For example, a lot of internet marketers, especially affiliate marketers, caught a cold recently (as in the past) when Google changed its algorithm and started penalising obvious affiliate sites with little unique or useful content. Their sites disappeared and their income stopped overnight.

The same could happen to people who are relying on Amazon's Kindle to make them rich. One change of heart (or 'slap') from Amazon and their business is stopped dead. Don't believe me? It's happened to a few big Kindle publishers already, and not always through any fault of their own.

Now, we're using Kindle publishing as one of our revenue streams, being careful to create unique content and offer good value, but we're not depending on that alone. We also have our marketing company Cinnamon Edge building websites, doing SEO, writing articles, etc, for clients.

Then we have something entirely different. Although I use the Internet to promote it, this business is as 'offline' as it gets - furniture assembly. The benefits of such a different business are that it gives me a physical outlet and time away from the desk (unless it's a desk I'm building...) and clients pay on the day or very soon afterwards, so that cash flow is excellent. It also cost very little to set up, although my marketing, website and SEO skills played a big part in that - a rival would need to invest a lot in marketing to come close to matching the visibility of Flatpack Assembly Suffolk.

But the main benefit is that I can be immune to Google slaps and Amazon slaps, just by concentrating more on flatpacks.

Conclusion: it pays to think outside the box, even if the result is a whole pile of boxes from Ikea!


Sunday, January 08, 2012

The Real Meaning of Multiple Streams of Income

The idea of having multiple streams of income appeals to most people. After all, multiple streams ought to add up to more than one stream ever could. Multiple streams of income should add up to a river of money...

Most people, though, don't truly understand what multiple streams of income means. For a lot of Internet marketers, multiple streams means multiple Internet streams, having several affiliate sites or offering a range of Internet services.

Someone in the building trade might look as far as offering carpentry, plumbing and renovations. A writer could write books, articles, CVs and web copy.

These are not multiple streams. They might qualify as diversification, but they're not multiple streams. If the building industry is flat, ALL building related trades will probably be flat. If writing becomes commonplace and under-valued, ALL writing stops being financially worthwhile. If the Internet gets overcrowded and super-competitive, ALL Internet-related business will become harder. And so on.

So, to understand multiple streams of income properly we need to add another word - varied. For a really secure income and financial security we need to have multiple varied income streams.

That's why Internet entrepreneurs got into property investing, and property people got into Internet marketing - there have been numerous combined events where the two camps met and exchanged ideas and revenue sources. And it's why both Internet entrepreneurs and property dealers got into foreign exchange and financial trading.

And it's why you should look at trading, too. Especially as the investment to get started is so minuscule, and especially with so much uncertainty in every type of business in every part of the world. Forex trading actually gets better when markets are in flux. The more movement there is the more money you can make. Even just trading at £2 a "pip", as you can, there is still the potential to make a worthwhile extra income of £50 or £100 a week for a few minutes' "work" each day.

Invest a little more per pip - say £10 - and you can be looking at £500 to £1200 or more tax free income every week. 

Starting at £2 a pip, trading is as safe as any business can be, and even though there will be occasional losing days, the weekly results are almost always positive. In fact, a recent twelve-week trial (July to October 2011) resulted in a profit each and every week. This with a system that takes 30 minutes to learn and a few minutes a day to implement.

That's why your multiple varied streams of income should include something like Breakfast Trading - the simple and safe way to get into trading, for as little as £2 a "pip".

Start your trading career from home with Breakfast Trading right here.

To your wealth and success!