Monday, July 10, 2006

Released at Last - How to Really Make Money from Writing

For the past few weeks I've been telling people here about a great new ebook on the subject of making money from writing. I knew it would be good and I also knew it wouldn't be released before its creator was absolutely sure it was ready. There's no question of 'rush jobs' or 'cashing in' here - this writer's reputation is too valuable to risk that.

I promised to let you know the moment it was released. I have to admit that even I was getting a bit impatient, but only because I knew for a fact that it would be well worth waiting for. The best things in life generally are…

In fact, I was hungry for some of the information myself but I'm delighted to see that all my hopes for the book have been realised - and then some.

Well now, at last, the book is ready and you can download it in minutes (or less if you've got broadband access) today.

The ebook is written by one of the best writers I know, who mostly prefers to keep a low profile (especially in her ghostwriting guise), but finally she's been persuaded to make herself known and share her encyclopaedic knowledge of the writing business. Her name is Jacqui Carrel, and now her name is out I'm confident you'll be hearing and reading a lot more of her.

Apart from being an excellent writer, Jacqui is a great networker, and she's called in a few favours to assemble one of the most complete 'how to' guides to writing that you'll find anywhere. And yet she's giving it away. As I've said before, it's also packed with resources and links that will save you hours of research.

Better still, Jacqui has also created her own newsletter, in which she'll share the latest tips, news and ideas for turning an interest in writing into a productive and potentially lucrative career. Of course, she's making that available for free, too.

All you have to do to get her ebook and to sign up for the newsletter if you want that too is click on this link or paste the url into your browser window.

If you've any problem getting your copy, leave a message with me, including your email address (so it can be sent to you directly) and I'll pass on your details to Jacqui and do my best to get it to you right away.

That's it for now. As a professional writer myself, I don't think there's any better advice I could give you today than to say: click that link!



Anonymous said...

Ah. As my reincarnational record will show, I am a slooooow learner, a half-starter, a turner-back.
Allo to Jacqui, and pardon my subsequent engagements.
Thank you for giving this, the both of you!

Roy Everitt said...

As you'll see,
you're the first respondee.
Or should that be responder?
Anyway, thanks Lynda.