Friday, December 08, 2006

Poetry Directory

Hello - I'm pressed for time right now, but I wanted to tell you about my new poetry directory. Let me explain:

Those of you who are regular visitors to the Well Versed blog will know that poetry is important to me. Even so, there are only so many hours in a day, and right now my other writing work has to take precedence. Still, I didn't want to leave the poetry realm totally uncatered-for in the Well Versed mini-empire.

So, I've put together a directory of poetry resources, here, which I know you're going to have fun exploring.

Meanwhile, if writing your own poetry appeals to you, you might like a copy of my Beginners' Guide to Writing Poetry. You can get that by emailing me here.

There are other writing resources available from the links to the left, specifically Jacqui Carrel's wonderfully comprehensive ebook on Making Money From Writing. You can also get that here.

If you have problems accessing any of the above, just leave me a message on this blog and I'll do my best to get it to you.

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