Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"If Predicting the Markets is So Difficult, Why Even Try?"

If predicting the markets is so difficult, why even try? Here is drop-dead simple trading strategy that means you don't have to predict anything! 

And it can pay you up to and above £1,230 per week working part-time from home!

What's more, it costs you less than any comparable system on the market, and there's a 30-day guarantee...

All you have to do is check online for one easy profit signal...If it’s there, seal your profit for the day...

...if it's not, eat your toast, drink your tea and go to your day job.

You won’t believe how easy it is...

Having signed up to Breakfast Trading, this was his reaction the VERY NEXT DAY;
On receiving the immediate download, Steve read the Manual twice and signed up to a trading company which I recommend and made his profit the within 24 hours! Nonetheless, this goes to prove further how easy the Manual is to follow and how quickly you can start earning money!
And just in case you are thinking that this was beginners luck, this is another one he sent the following morning; he comments on the advice I gave him after recieving his previous email then goes on to say that he has made another £57 using £1 stake, and had he traded with £10 that would have been an EASY £570!

Dear Reader,

The alarm goes on. You get out of bed and log onto the Internet. You’re looking for that one indicator that will tell you what to do next. If it’s there, you know with a few clicks you’ll have made money before you’ve even left the house to go to work.

Once your week’s work is done, you could have made an extra £150, £340 or even £710 on top of your salary.

This isn’t for the select few. This could be you.

So simple, you could have it up and running within an hour and have your profit within 24 hours!

Solution Graphics

The majority of us are slaves to the alarm clock and race to get to work each day. After the tax, the bills and the rent or mortgage have been paid, there’s not much left to play with.

When it’s time to go home and those who’ve had a bad day amble off home in the doldrums, you can cheer yourself up by going to the cash point and seeing an extra £50 in your account. They spent 10 minutes extra in bed, but you used those 10 minutes to make yourself wealthier.

As an added bonus, on this money you won’t pay income tax, Capital Gains Tax or any other duty. It’s yours and it’s totally up to you what you do with it.

Now here’s a question. it’s Friday and over the week you’ve made £350. You’ve been to the cashpoint and have it in your hand. What will you do with it?

You might gather your friends around you, buy them all a drink, enjoy their company and their appreciation of your generosity.

You might buy a takeaway and a bottle of wine for your loved one so you can both enjoy Friday night in with no washing up.

You could do those things. Or you could leave it in the bank and each day see it double or treble, until it’s over £1000 or even more.

The money is all yours and so is the choice about what you do with it.

In less than an hour a week, this could happen to you, and you don’t have to do it every day like your day job.

You can choose to hit the snooze button on that alarm or rush out to that early meeting. But you know that when it suits you, over breakfast, you can probably make some extra money.

Everyday Profits in Just Half an Hour

Here’s how…

Whether you are a novice or a professional, you can have your tea, toast and my advice and make money in no more than half an hour.

It will usually be just a few minutes. But I’m sure you can use your breakfast time to do this. And the job will be done. There’ll be no additional work for you to do. Except of course for you to stop by that cash point and check your balance on the way home.

I understand if so far you think this is a load of bull. It can’t be this easy. Lots of people claim you can make a quick buck in half an hour. It drives me mad because they really aren’t telling the truth and it spoils it for everyone. It ruins it for those who really do have a genuine opportunity and it sure as hell makes the life of everyone looking for a genuine opportunity even harder!

However, I know this works because I do it every day and in less than half an hour I make money on a regular basis. It’s happening for me and it’s happening for over 1,200 fellow traders who are making the most of Breakfast Trader already; even youngsters who are complete beginners. It’s not difficult to understand.

It’s been tested on ordinary folk who said it was easy, anyone can do it and it’s a really good way to supplement your main income.

Daily profits, free of any tax, can be made by placing a straightforward trade on the FTSE at breakfast time, along with a trade on the Dow Jones. It works and there’s no catch.

Don’t be scared by terms with which you’re unfamiliar. FTSE and Dow Jones aren’t the preserve of professionals. They are there for the potential benefit of everyone.

Read on to secure these potential benefits for yourself. Even a complete beginner, I’m sure, can, with this guidance, make profits.

You’ll be making money like a pro in a matter of days even if you don’t even know what FTSE stands for right now.

The Chance for Tax-free Money Every Day

You have a major head start if you do know that the FTSE stands for Financial Times Stock Exchange and that it is a market for shares made up of the largest companies in the UK. You are even further ahead if you know that the Dow Jones is the same thing but is in the USA. It’s great if you also understand that their values go down as well as up. If you know these three things, you’re going to find this very straightforward.

The last piece of the puzzle is how to make money from these markets. It takes very little effort. You’ll be amazed how much money you can make and how easy it is to make it. It’s not exclusive to the champagne-drinking bankers.

Here’s how…

You can have the same chance at making a profit as a professional trader in that half hour over breakfast, whatever your current level of knowledge and it could be worth hundreds of pounds a week.

Over three weeks, for just 10 minutes a day, here’s what could happen for you:
w/c 12th September 2011: By the end of that week you’d be £780 up.

w/c 31st October 2011: By the end of that week you’d be £1,270 up.

w/c 7th November 2011: By the end of that week you’d be £110 up .

That’s a huge £2,160 extra cash in three weeks. What’s more it was achieved with an initial stake of just £10.

Even being really cautious and starting to trade with just £2, taking very little risk, you could have made £432 tax-free profit in three weeks.

Not bad for a little bit of work over breakfast!

Here’s the nub of the thing. You do have to do this in the morning.

It’s the professional traders who influence the opportunities that you can take. That’s what’s different about this. We’re hot on the heels of the big players.

The main business of the day where the most deals are done is carried out at the opening of the stock market in the morning. The best opportunities to profit are sitting there for the taking at breakfast time.

The key to all this is time zones.

The Dow Jones, the American financial market, closes at soon after what is 4pm their time, The FTSE in the UK closes at 4.30pm our time. When it’s 4pm in New York, it’s 9pm in London.

There’s no trading going on at 9pm in London because the FTSE is closed. Traders can only use the information available at the close of trading on the Dow Jones the following day. The FTSE opens at 8am! So all the key reactions, all the key signals are there in that first half hour of trading.

It’s easy to see what the reaction is and benefit from it if you are there at the right time and all it will take is a few taps on your keyboard.

You can do it whilst you’re getting ready for the day ahead. Be a multi-tasker!

It’s so quick and easy and if you’ve had a bad week, you can lift your spirits by having a great weekend spending your week’s profits. They’ll be sitting there ready in your bank account, having been automatically paid in. They’re there for the taking.

Your profits could be hundreds of pounds. It all depends how unstable the markets were during the week.

It’s as easy as that. Get up, wander to you PC and switch it on, have a quick look to see if the profit signal is there and think about what to do with your money come the weekend. Don't take my word for it, just look at what others had to say...

Oh, and just so you know I didn't have any quotes nor claims on this page whatsoever when I first started this campaign. All I had was my word, and thankfully I have had a healthy stream of people who believed me and are now much better off because of it. Now I have a page full of testimonials and praise from them, which I can present to you.

This is a screen shot of Ians first email, which I had replied back to and deleted. I had to search for it again in the deleted item's when this idea of me showing you the actual time it takes to start earning money clicked on.
Ian bought the Manual and what he wrote is quite visible on the screen; he comments on the manual then asks about a security certificate on a certain website.

And another one from Ian;
Is there anything left to say? He went from knowing absolutely nothing about my strategy to making 100 + pips / points!

You may be wondering what on earth is a pip?! Pips are also known as points and each pip can be worth upto £150, but you will typically be trading with £10 per pip (more on this in the Manual) so if Ian traded £10 per pip that's (£10 x 100 pips) = £1,000 + per week and if he traded with £25 per pip that's £2,500 per week!

Find out how you could be doing this every day, every week.

Have you ever thought that the time you spend getting ready and travelling to work in the morning is your time, being given for free to your employer? You could be making up for this and getting paid for that time by spending those crucial few minutes checking your computer when you get up. I can tell you from experience that it feels great.

Please tell me! How can I start making money so easily?

You need a copy of my Breakfast Trader System.

I’m so confident it works I want you to try it for one month to see what you think.

I’ve given it a thorough try out, put it through its paces and I believe that starting with £10, by the end of the month’s trial you’ll have made around £1000.

If you’re really not sure, then let me tell you that even with just £2, you should walk away with over £200.

And who hasn’t got £2 to take a risk?

And it’s not even a risk, because if you buy the system and aren’t impressed i.e. you haven’t made any profit,

I’ll give you a refund.

Just to clarify something though. You need to know that the profit signal won’t be there each and every day.

That’s normal and it’s nothing to worry about. You just leave for work as you usually would with no losses and no gains. When it is there, a profit isn’t a sure thing on that one particular day, but overall, you will be on to a winner. With this system any losses will swiftly be recovered. Plus there’s a built-in “insurance policy” which I’ll also tell you about which limits your risk:

The ‘ten point risk-limiter’ means you can achieve the sort of profits mentioned above without risking everything you started with.

The majority of systems which work the markets don’t make it clear that you can risk losing your money as well as making a profit.

They attract novices with the temptation of big profits, but gloss over the possibility of losing. They get you to try it out but then you find you lose more than you win.

I’m not here to conceal the fact there are ups and downs, But my Breakfast Trader System limits the risk and makes it clear that whatever you put down, you will be aware what the losses might be.

Having that knowledge will give you a sense of calm and leave you free to trade more boldly.

To increase that sense of calm, what if you knew you could only ever lose 10 points? This would mean that if you were putting down £10 per point the most you could lose would be £100.

If you traded at £2 per point, your maximum loss would be £20. Guaranteed.

So with the Breakfast Trader System you have the chance to make big profits, but there is a ceiling on your losses. You know where you stand.

Since I started testing this system, here’s the sort of profits it has made for me. And those profits are tax free.

Total Profit
Total Profit
27 Jun £140 22 Aug £1,180
04 Jul £270 29 Aug £530
11 Jul £350 05 Sept £510
18 Jul £61 12 Sept £780
25 Jul £190 19 Sept £1,270
01 Aug £170 26 Sept £110
08 Aug £1,790 03 Oct £1,380
15 Aug £380 10 Oct £80

That’s a total of £8,811 in 16 weeks!

Did you notice something? There weren’t any losses in any week.

The limits in place on losses means that, overall, each week I made a profit.

The Breakfast Trader System doesn’t lose overall.

There may be days when you do lose, but these losses will be cancelled out by the end of the week.

Even in a poorer week, with £10 trading you could still take away over £300.

For the more risk-averse £2 trader you could make over £60 a week with no tax.

Whoever you are, whatever you do, this could be you, making money each week with the investment of just a few minutes and a few pounds each day.

A bit about myself

Being a bit old school, I like the personal touch and I like to know the people who I’m going to be doing business with. So, I’ve taken a little time out to write a bit about myself:
Been married to my beautiful wife for a few years now - NOT arranged, in case your wondering! I have tried everything in my search for wealth and prosperity: Pyramid schemes, stuffing envelopes, chain letters (so naive I know) but in the end it was when I discovered this little known strategy that it started to pay dividends.
Now I spend most of my time with my wife doing the things we love; watching movies, eating out and love adventure holidays.
What you see is a picture of me diving in Malta with some friends, we hired the local camera crew to take footage of us under water. An interesting story here actually, we had booked this diving expedition month's in advance and when we got there we heard that someone had their legs chewed off by a great White Shark a few days before and it happened at the same spot where we had booked the dive.
Needless to say, we were all terrified but we all jumped in the shark infested waters, completed the expedition like men and took bets on who would get eaten first! (I'm in the middle, so the shark can chew on the others first, LOL!). Anyway, that's enough about me and back to business.
This is a screen shot of another e-mail which I recieved recently, and I think most of us can relate to what he had to say in one way or another. This is a person who had been struggling to make money using other 'Make money scheme', he wrote:
I replied to Simon's query stating that all claims made on this page is 100% genuine and there has been no tampering with the quotes and testimonials on this site. If he followed the advice and guidance given there is no doubt that he could have a regular income of £200 and much more.
Being re-assured with what I had said he went on to purchase my system. A few days later I e-mailed him asking how he got on? This is what he had to say;

Now, in all honesty I wasn't expecting this reaction from Simon. For a man who has clearly tried many online business opportunities to say that he had made a 100 pips in three day's using my system only goes to prove how simple it is, YET NO ONE tells you about it.

This is an e-mail I recieved from a lady named Margaret, she admits on astraying a little from the advice and guidance given. Nonetheless, she is back on track and has made 109 pips in the past two day's. This is what she had to say;
And we all know how much a 100 pips can be worth - actually, let me just remind you again; if you traded with £2, it would be £200 and if you traded with £5, it would be worth £500 and if you traded with £20 it would only be worth £2,000! So I think it's safe to say Simon and everyone else using my strategy will be laughing all the way to the bank, and there is NO DOUBT that you can too!


Where's the catch I hear you cry. What will it cost me? Now, you are going to have to excuse my poor salesmanship here as I have never been a salesman and wouldn’t know how to sell a hearing aid to the deaf so I’m not even going to try.

All-in-one software programmes like Star Trader and Trade Wins will set you back between £3,000 and £6,000 - but YOU still end up having to do the work reading charts, monitering newsfeeds, and choosing from DOZENS of buy and sell signals spat out at any one time.

You could go to a seminar and learn all about the 'inner workings' of the currency markets. But do you really want to know all the technical stuff? Even if you did, this 'background' will cost you anywhere between £800 and £5,000 for ONE DAY...

There are several other trading packages and softwares out there charging £1,400 upwards for 'predicting' something which I will show you how to do yourself!

With my product you won't get loads of training software and a manual full of Jargon! All you'll get is a short manual with everything you need to get started, no fluff, no empty promises - just a straight forward step by step guide to earning potentially life changing amounts of money.

So, a price of £247 for my package is extremely reasonable, bearing in mind your not just getting a strategy here!

However, for a limited time only and by that I mean for the next 19 subscribers the price will be £97! Yep, if you are quick enough you will pay only £97, saving you £150 from the word go!

Once you’re part of the Breakfast Trader System you’ll receive an exclusive email each week to let you know about the trade news and successes created by the system.

You’ll also get personal support if you feel you need some help along the way. You’ll have my own email address as part of the package .That’s why I have to limit the number of people with access to the system.

There’s only one of me to answer your queries!

In summary, for an investment of

£97, you could be making hundreds of pounds a week.

The system is all you need if you want to make some extra money for just a few minutes’ work a day, with just one signal to look out for.


The average profit per week is over £300. If so it costs only


So try it for a month without any obligation and see how those few minutes a day could change your bank balance for the better. There’s big potential which you can take advantage of.

As a guarantee of how confident I am that it will work for you, in one month if you don’t get back at least the £247, I will give you your money back.

I think that’s a fair offer.

Let's take a look how others are doing. This one is from Ean
One from Marcus:
One from Bruce Lee (I'd be having a tough time if he has a bad week, eh!) :
One from Roger:
This is another e-mail from David, he had only purchased the system few days ago and this is what he had to say;

Here are some quick FAQs just to make sure everything is completely clear.

What amount of money do I need to start trading with the Breakfast Trader System? Follow the system for a month and with £150 off the Breakfast Trader System it will cost just £97 if you hurry.

It’s up to you how much you trade with once you get going. You could go in at just £2 a point and make enough to go out for a nice meal at the weekend.

If you can spare more and feel happy to do so, you could go for £10 a point and take away £100s tax free each week.

What will happen once I’ve signed up and what’s the time commitment?

Once you’ve decided to go for it you’ll receive a copy of the Breakfast Trader System.

Take half an hour to read it and keep it next to your computer.

Every weekday, between 7.30am and 8.00am, over breakfast, check the document and log on to your computer to see if the signal is there. If it is, it takes a couple of minutes, a few taps of the keyboard and that’s it! Off you go to work and then check your bank balance on the way home.

Do I need any special software or particular skills to trade with this system?

No. It’s all on one website which costs nothing to access. I’ll tell you how to set up an account and get onto the site. It’s easy. You don’t even need a fancy computer. If you have a phone where you can get onto the web, you could even use that.

If I’m not certain what to do, what happens then?

It really is simple and before too long you won’t even need to follow the instructions, but just follow the manual and you’ll be fine and if you really aren’t feeling confident about what to do or have any other issues, you can get in touch with me via email.

Is there really only £97 to pay and that’s it?

Yes. That’s all it will cost to get a copy of my Breakfast Trader System and my email address. And remember there’s a money back guarantee if you don’t at least make your £247 in trading profits over a month. I’ll be surprised and sorry if you don’t. I believe it’s likely you’ll treble or quadruple that money. The only extra time input will be spending a little of your day at the end of the month writing to me to tell me how well you’ve done.

I think that’s everything you need to know,. I hope you want to take part.

And if you’re still not sure, remember, anyone can do this so why shouldn’t it be you reaping the benefits?

Are you going to go for it?

To be certain you don't lose the opportunity by being the 20th person on the list just click on the button below.

You’ll receive the Breakfast Trader System document in haste so you can get started as soon as possible and make your first easy profit.

And don’t forget to let me know of your new-found wealth. I really want to hear your personal success stories

Best Wishes
Akik Miah

P.S. Please be assured that my system for earning potentially life changing amounts of money is absolutely genuine. What you have just read and the manual itself is personally written by me and not a highly paid copywriter giving you some hyped up sales pitch and an unrealistic earning prospects.

Solution Graphics

Breakfast Trading System

Suite 3a, Third Floor
156 Halford Street
© Copyright 2012 Breakfast Trading System

To your wealth and success!

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