Monday, December 05, 2011

SO Predictable!

Something that's often struck me about the stock markets, commodity markets and so on is that, while they're undoubtedly full of amazingly intelligent, well-informed and quick thinking people, the net effect of all that brain power is somehere between child-like and animalistic.

A bit of good news? The markets rise. A little bad news or even bad presentation of the news? The markets fall. While every trader is undoubtedly acting intelligently (if not always with the desired result), the collective effect is almost always very predictable.

Everyone knows the Eurozone is in a dire position. But as long as the leaders appear to be talking and reaching agreements with their central banks about 'measures', the markets stay fairly calm. Traders make profits, take profits, watch the prices fall and buy again, and so on, just as they always have.

So, if the markets are so predictable, why is trading in them so risky?

Well, it's because, while the markets reaction to news is quite predictable, the news isn't, and the presentation and response to the news by our leaders and heads of banks is even less so.

That's why the best and safest way to trade is not to try to predict the markets - because you can't predict world events or politicians' reactions to them - but to bank on the markets' responses to events that have already happened and been assimilated. It's amazing how much easier that is!

A system like Breakfast Trading allows you to do exactly that, each morning, before your working day has even started - because you'll be responding to what the foreign markets have already seen overnight, and making your profit from the very predictable way the local markets will react.

It really is that simple. You can limit your losses - and there will be some days when you lose a little - and only invest what you can afford to lose. But in an average week you will always gain - a hundred, a few hundred or over a thousand pounds. Oh, and it's all tax free under UK law!

You can read more about Breakfast Trading in the other posts on this blog, you can watch the short video or the Slideshare presentation, but your best bet is to go straight to Breakfast Trading and invest in your copy today - then start profiting tomorrow!

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