Monday, October 02, 2006

Quickmuse and Flash Poetry

It's something of a shock to realise that it's over a week since I posted on here. Even more so to recall how much I intended to do in that time, but still...

I hope you've been able to catch up with Quickmuse and that you've found it as fascinating as I have. If so, leave your comments on the site, but let me know what you think of it as well. I found Andrew Motion's poem more intriguing this time, which surprised me.

Since Motion and Paul Muldoon 'appeared', Quickmuse has already featured another head to head, but with a difference this time in that the poets, Geoffrey Brock and Jonathan Galassi, were set the task of translating a short poem in Italian by Giovanni Pascoli. I'll let you be the judge of how well they did.

You can also judge my efforts here on MoreWriting.

Coming soon, 'Quickblog'!

On the subject of writing poetry quickly, you might be interested to know that 'flash poetry' is one of the techniques I use, especially when inspiration is short but the need to write is still there.

I'll tell you more about that and some of the other methods I use, as well as some more tips and general 'how to do it' advice in my mini guide to writing poetry, which is extracted from the full-length course on the subject that I plan to release soon. If you would like a free copy of the guide, delivered by email in ebook form, email me here, or leave a message right here on my blog.

Remember I'll need your email address to send it to you, but as I say, it's totally free.


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