Monday, January 22, 2007

Beatles, Blogs and Busy People

You'll no doubt have heard of the saying 'Nature abhors a vacuum.' Well, it seems to apply to the world of work too, as others have found. No sooner did I clear the way for more work to come my way than in it came. Flooded, would be more accurate.

You'll know, if you've been to Well Versed before, that I'm something of a Beatles and Bob Dylan fan. You'll find links to their directory pages on the left. What I haven't found time to do, as yet, is write about them, and that situation doesn't look like changing in the near future.

However, help is at hand, and I've just commissioned some articles on both The Beatles and Dylan, which I'm expecting to post in the next week or so. I know they'll be good, and I'm as keen to read them as I hope some of you will be. They'll appear on my articles pages, at and I'll let you know the moment they're up.

Meanwhile, back to business...

Roy Everitt, writing for results

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