Friday, June 26, 2009

People WILL Spend - on Their Pets!

People spend a fortune on their pets, especially if they buy the best nutritionally-balanced foods.

But these come in large bulky packs and are a bit of a chore to pick up from the shops and very heavy to carry. You can start out by buying the food retail and simply delivering it, together with other pet-related items, to your customers' homes. But, as soon as possible, start sourcing your products at wholesale prices and your profit margin will soar!

You’ll need a garage or other space to store it, but being mostly dried the high-nutrition brands have a long shelf-life and don’t require refrigeration. As long as your storage space is dry, you'll have no problem.

To your wealth and success!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Strolling to Success

Walking Tours:

These can last for one or two hours during the evening or day, weekends or weekdays, and cover a particular route in your local area. What you need to find is a theme.

The Jack the Ripper tour of Whitechapel has been popular for many years. Is there potential for something similar near to you? If not, think something up – a local legend or ghost story, a historical event around which you can spin a yarn. A pub crawl is elevated to a “cultural evening” by a little learning and speculation!

A work of fiction set in your area will also make a good theme. You could even sell copies of the book, or include it in the price of your tour.

Charge a modest fee per person and if possible sell other relevant souvenirs to your punters.

So that's another simple idea for you and, once again, it's virtually free to start.

To your wealth and success!

When you have one or two of these income streams up and running, you'll want to know more about how you can develop passive income sources. Ron Holland can help you even more with that, at his Secrets of Multiple Streams of Income events.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Make Money from Rental Income

Another money-making idea from Ron G Holland:

"Most people think in terms of property rental, but I know people who make money renting out single rooms, lock up garages, retail shops and commercial premises. I know of others who rent executive jets, light aircraft, speedboats and super yachts. In most instances they don’t own these expensive toys themselves but they rent them out on behalf of their owners…like a broking service and make huge commissions in doing so…with no risk or capital outlay other than have to create customers cost effectively.

Other people rent pictures from a picture library, others rent videos, machine tools, plant, equipment, champagne glasses for parties and events, lawn mowers, cars, vans, motorcycles, roller blades – in actual fact just about everything you could ever think of.

And perhaps that last sentence is a major clue. You may not have bent your mind to what you can rent out, create a streams of income from and have a lot of fun … and perhaps the time has come to do just that.

To your wealth and success!"

How do you turn these money making ideas into residual or passive income? Ask Ron G Holland! He's live in London on July 11th, at his Secrets of Multiple Streams of Income event.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Video from Ron Holland

Here's Ron Holland speaking this week about his 3-day breakthrough!

The Eureka Enigma is out this autumn.

To your wealth and success!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Multiple Streams of Income

Here's Ron Holland talking about his ebook and seminar, 'The Real Secrets of Multiple Streams of Income.

Ron knows everything there is to know about making money and doing business in the UK in 2009. And he has thirty years' experience and a fantastic lifestyle to prove it!.

Now you can meet Britain's top business guru in person and discover everything YOU need to know about multiple streams of income.
Watch the video first, then click this link:

To your wealth and success!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

No-Cook Catering

Sandwiches are always popular, especially with working people.

Make your rounds of sandwiches at home in a clean kitchen early morning and then make your rounds of the workplaces from about 10am onwards. Offices often have sandwich bars close by, but staff may appreciate your personal desk-side delivery when they’re too busy to pop out.

Industrial estates are a good bet as they’re often in the middle of nowhere. Get to know your regulars and they’ll stay loyal. Encourage special requests and provide a few novel fillings – honey and peanut butter is surprisingly popular! Offer to cater for staff parties, conferences etc too.

Keep your quality and standards high and make sure you're reliable, and you could go from strength to strength.

To your wealth and success!

PS Learn more about multiple streams of income, including passive income and residual revenue, at the Secrets of Multiple Streams of Income Workshop, on 11th July.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Become a Life Coach

This is still a new profession, imported from America and growing fast here in the UK. At present no formal training or qualifications are required but if you’ve worked in any kind of training capacity before, or are simply a good communicator, you may well have what it takes to be a life coach.

Your clients’ needs will vary; some will be looking for practical support – organising their schedules, helping them juggle home and work commitments and focus on other long-term goals. Others may require more personal counselling and emotional guidance. Many will want a bit of both.

Read a wide selection of self-help books – psychology, mentoring, educational theory and life-long learning studies – and consider taking a course in one or more of these subjects.*

Life they say is a rich tapestry, and at the end of the day, it will be your own experiences - problems, challenges, changes and joys – together with an intelligent and sympathetic attitude - that best qualifies you to be a life coach.

Agree a fixed monthly fee and hours with each client, but also expect “crisis” phone calls from them at odd hours; life coaching isn’t a nine-to-five job, and if you’re good at it you’ll be regarded as a bit of a life-line too.

You might also want to consider a

To your wealth and success!

*PS. You might consider a course specifically about becoming a life coach, like this one. (Download a free sample.)

PPS Discover the secrets of multiple streams of income. See the multiple streams video.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Another Free Income Idea

If you’re a fitness freak, or have been an athlete or keen sportsperson yourself, why not pass on your training tips to others? Nearly everyone is health conscious these days, but sedentary workers in particular need a bit of motivation. It will motivate you, too!

Always recommend people to check with their doctor before they begin any routines with you and don't take on people who are injured or unwell.

Your work might be as simple as going out jogging with a client, to writing them a full weekly exercise and diet programme and making sure they stick to it. Read up about diet, sports psychology and some safe exercise routines (there are plenty online) and learn about concentration and the all-important “pain barrier”.

Now get those knees up…one two, one two!

To your wealth (health) and success!

I hope ou're finding these ideas useful. Ron G Holland's multiple streams of income workshop has much more scope than we can squeeze into this blog, including loads of ideas on how to use the money you'll earn with the ideas you've found here to create passive, or residual income.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Home Sweet Home

There is no legal reason to use an estate agent when buying a house, and many people prefer to avoid the fees and deal directly with the vendor when buying their home. If they have time they trawl the Internet, look out for private small ads and drive around their desired area on the weekends. If they don’t have the time, they can come to you, and pay a partial, modest up-front fee to do it all for them.

When you notify them about a suitable home and the purchase goes through, they pay the balance of your finder’s fee. You can do the same for sellers of course, and both they and the buyer of a particular house may be your clients. So in effect you are an estate agent, but don’t get involved in valuing or negotiating.

Of course you can also notify buyers of agency-advertised properties, and earn your fee in the same way if the house-hunters are happy with what you find. Local knowledge will be your big asset for would-be buyers from other areas.

Advertise your service in low-cost lineage classifieds.

You can also supply this service for property investors, who are actually more used to paying a finder's fee anyway, and people who just want to rent are just as likely to need your help.

So, that's another income stream that needs no money up front from you.

To your wealth and success!

Learn more about multiple streams of income and how you can be debt-free.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This One Does Compute

You don’t have to be a high-flying technology geek to teach people how to use a computer. The fact you’ve accessed this blog means you already have sufficient knowledge to pass on. Kids learn I.T. at school these days, but for many older people, computers are still a mystery.

More and more of our everyday needs are being processed online - information, banking, shopping, booking tickets etc. Unable to use a computer, a lot of older folk are feeling increasingly isolated and frustrated as a result.

Many would also love to take advantage of email to stay in touch with relatives and friends abroad. What they want is someone who can show them the basics of getting an email address, mailing, website access and using search engines. If you can do this in a friendly, jargon-free way, you’ll be welcomed with open arms.

Advertise in your local library and community centre, offering one-to-one tuition or small groups. Do home visits or hire a small room if you get a big response. Remember your potential clients may not even own a PC yet, and a computer store can be a bewildering place for the novice, so offer to talk through the different options with them.

As the grey revolution marches on, your “silver surfers” will be riding along on the crest of the wave!

Find out more about many more potential streams of income at my Multiple Streams of Income Workshop.

To your wealth and success!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A Down to Earth Starter

It's not exotic, but ...

After the extended fling with wood laminate flooring, homeowners are resuming their passionate love affair with carpet. It’s cosier, quieter, warmer and much nicer to lie on in front of a roaring fire and – well, relax …

But carpets always need cleaning on a regular basis and it’s not a task the average homeowner is geared up for. If you don’t want to splash out on buying your own specialist equipment straight away, then punt around for your first job and rent a carpet cleaner.

Suppliers will give you advice on how to use their products, and after that it’s just common sense. Obviously price each job according to size, and suggest reasonable discounts to groups of neighbours if you can visit them on the same day. Leaflet offices, pubs and shops as well as the residential market.

Simple enough?

To your wealth and success!

Application Needs Aptitude

Do what you love and have a passion for; this is crucial. I have never seen anyone create multiple streams of income and real wealth doing something they hated. Do something you can do.

Now that sounds simple enough but you’d be amazed at the number of people who come up to me at the end of my seminars and tell me they have been sold a property development course or an internet marketing course or some other proposition they have no interest in, no skills at, nor any aptitude for.

You’ll never be able to whistle and sing all day long doing something you loathe and find difficult and see no rewards for and don’t forget that it’s being in that happy carefree space that allows the money to FLOW.

To your wealth and success!

Find out more about Multiple Streams of Income HERE

Introduction from Ron Holland

A few words from Ron G Holland:

I want to demystify what everyone yearns to know…how to make extra cash!

I hope through this blog you will find many ways of making extra money, ways of increasing your disposable income and start attaining the lifestyle you desire. The blog is written in plain language and most importantly is written for the UK market. It is also written from the standpoint of having little or no resources.

Over the past few years ‘Multiple Streams of Income’ has become a real buzzword and more and more people ask me about it and it appears more and more people find it difficult to accomplish and instead of getting on the ‘bandwagon’ find themselves being swept away in a tide of debts and frustration.

What I have aimed to do here is provide real tips, clues and guidelines for those wishing to improve their financial status. I also aim to provide enthusiasm, motivation and planning.

Multiple Streams of Income


This is the new home of Ron G Holland's Multiple Streams of Income.

From now on, you'll find regular tips on the many ways there are for YOU to make money, in any economy, with or without resources, and with or without skills or expertise.

I'll be posting here as often as I can, with new and imaginative ways for you to bring multiple streams of income into your life.

A lot of those income ideas will bring you passive, or residual income, so you can create almost as many revenue streams as you want, without running yourself into the ground!

Ron G Holland is the author of Debt Free with Financial Kung Fu, Turbo Success and talk and Grow Rich. He's also the creator of the UK-specific Multiple Streams of Income Workshop and Multiple Streams of Income ebook, from which these regular tips will be taken.

You can learn more about Ron Holland's MSI Workshop, HERE

Look out for your first income idea, coming right up!
