Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This One Does Compute

You don’t have to be a high-flying technology geek to teach people how to use a computer. The fact you’ve accessed this blog means you already have sufficient knowledge to pass on. Kids learn I.T. at school these days, but for many older people, computers are still a mystery.

More and more of our everyday needs are being processed online - information, banking, shopping, booking tickets etc. Unable to use a computer, a lot of older folk are feeling increasingly isolated and frustrated as a result.

Many would also love to take advantage of email to stay in touch with relatives and friends abroad. What they want is someone who can show them the basics of getting an email address, mailing, website access and using search engines. If you can do this in a friendly, jargon-free way, you’ll be welcomed with open arms.

Advertise in your local library and community centre, offering one-to-one tuition or small groups. Do home visits or hire a small room if you get a big response. Remember your potential clients may not even own a PC yet, and a computer store can be a bewildering place for the novice, so offer to talk through the different options with them.

As the grey revolution marches on, your “silver surfers” will be riding along on the crest of the wave!

Find out more about many more potential streams of income at my Multiple Streams of Income Workshop.

To your wealth and success!

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