Thursday, June 29, 2006

For nine-tenths of a century

Saturday marks the ninetieth anniversary of the first battle of The Somme. This one was also spurred by Glyn Maxwell's poem on the latest round of 'QuickMuse' (, in turn inspired by an amazing piece of prose by Mark Twain. If you haven't sought-out quickmuse yet I suggest you do so:

For nine-tenths of a century
A sunset's bloody light has played
Across a meadow's memory
While poppies swayed -

Finally quite unafraid.

A flash of trumpets' brilliant sound
That calls a summer's day to end,
While in these flowers' roots are bound
Ends of men

Called home again.

Flowers that came like summer rain
Splashed up from its thunderous fall -
Reflecting only setting sun
- After all.


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