Wednesday, June 21, 2006

How to become a 'Guru' and reap rich rewards

Have you ever stopped to think what separates an 'expert' from someone who merely knows his or her job? Why one person may be paid a fortune for knowing little more about their subject than another person who only gets an average salary?

The answer is, they've achieved the status of 'guru'. A kind of super-consultant, recognised within and beyond their field as 'the' person to ask for advice, to invite along as a speaker or to be persuaded (with lots of money, generally) to bless lesser mortals with their wisdom.

How did they do this? In most cases they either appeared on tv or they 'wrote the book'. While tv may be out of reach for most, provided that they have sufficient knowedge or access to it, anyone can write 'the book' on their specialist field of knowledge. And if they can't do it, or don't have the time to do it, someone else can do it for them.

Ghost writing is not easy; at least, ghost writing well is not easy. But a skilled and sympathetic ghost writer can turn anyone's good story into a great book, or anyone's knowledge of their job into a valuable educational resource for those new to that business. And by so doing, turn a competent anyone into an expert 'someone', thereby growing their reputation, enhancing the demand for their expertise and massively increasing their earning power.

'The book' can be a conventional book on sale in all good bookshops, or it can be an increasingly popular ebook or manual. It can even be serialised as a course or series of newsletters, but for maximum prestige still, a real 'physical' book can't be beaten. Getting it published is no problem in these days of self-publishing and 'print on demand'.

I have to be honest and say that profits may be minimal or even non-existent on the book itself, especially at first, but in time the rewards can be enormous - in prestige, self-confidence and wealth!

So if you have expertise in any field (or a great story to tell) you owe it to yourself to consider writing 'the book' on it. If you can't manage that yourself, you might contact a ghost writer to do it for you.


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