Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's always easier to lose than it is to win...

You might remember my post of a few days ago, talking about them and us and the courage of those who keep trying compared to those who give up.

Maybe it didn't make for easy reading?

Anyway, on a related theme, I was reading something this morning that reminded me of an adage I used to genuinely believe - that since it's always easier to concede a goal than it is to score one, it must follow that it's easier to lose a match than it is to win.

Now, assuming the teams are evenly matched, this must apply to both sides. Which cannot possibly be the case. Of course, your pub team will find it very difficult to beat, say Chelsea, and Chelsea would find it hard to lose to your Sunday morning scufflers, but assuming they were evenly matched...

Still, it always seems easier to give away a goal and a match. For both sides. But since that can only be a perception and not a fact, it follows that the team most convinced they are likely to lose (to put a totally negative slant on it) will lose.

The difference between winners and losers, given similar skills, and despite all evidence to the contrary, can only be in the way we think.

Think about it - and think positively, however hard it seems at times.

Roy Everitt, Writing for Results

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