Monday, March 05, 2007

To Serve or to Sell?

You have a service or product to sell. You know there are people out there who could use what you have. What do you you do?

If you answered 'Try to sell what you have to those who need it' you'd only be half right.

If you said, 'Offer to help the people who need it' you'd be absolutely right.

People don't like being sold to, in general. There are always a few who will enjoy the process, but most people have better things to do with their time. What people do like, however, is having their problems solved for them.

Your job, then, is to identify the problem your product solves. Or find a problem and then identify a product, and set about helping people with their problems. They'll be more willing than ever to pay for it. So you won't have to go through the excruciating sales process, and neither will they.

They'll be happier, you'll be wealthier, and the world will keep going round!

Roy Everitt, Writing for Results

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